Interval joins

SeQuiLa’s interval joins benchmark

Performance tests description

In order to evaluate our range join strategy we have run a number of tests using both one-node and a Hadoop cluster installations. In that way we were able to analyze both vertical (by means of adding computing resources such as CPU/RAM on one machine) as well as horizontal (by means of adding resources on multiple machines) scalability.

The main idea of the test was to compare performance of SeQuiLa with other tools like featureCounts and genAp that can be used to compute the number of reads intersecting predefined genomic intervals. It is by no means one of the most commonly used operations in both DNA and RNA-seq data processing, most notably in gene differential expression and copy number variation-calling. featureCounts performance results have been treated as a baseline. In order to show the difference between the naive approach using the default range join strategy available in Spark SQL and SeQuiLa interval-tree one, we have included it in the single-node test.

Testing enviornment


Test name Format Size [GB] Row count
WES-SN BAM 17 161544693
WES-SN ADAM 14 161544693
WES-SN BED 0.0045 193557
WGS-CL BAM 273 2617420313
WGS-CL ADAM 215 2617420313
WGS-CL BED 0.0016 68191

WES-SN - tests performed on a single node using WES dataset

WGS-CL - tests performed on a cluster using WGS dataset

Hadoop cluster

Masters Workers Hadoop distribution Total disk HDFS [TB] Total YARN cores Total YARN RAM [TB] Net [Gbits]
1 4 CDH 5.12 5 96 256 10

Apache Spark configuration

Parameter Value SeQuiLa only Local-test Cluster-test
spark.driver.memory 8g no yes yes
spark.executor.memory 4g-8g no yes yes
spark.executor.cores 2-4 no yes yes
spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled false no yes yes


Software Version
Apache Spark 2.2.1
Scala 2.11.8
JDK 1.8
ADAM 0.22
featureCounts 1.6.0


BAM table
    val bamPath = "NA12878*.bam"
         |CREATE TABLE reads
         |USING org.biodatageeks.sequila.datasources.BAM.BAMDataSource
         |OPTIONS(path "${bamPath}")
    spark.sql(s"SELECT contigName,start,end FROM reads LIMIT 1").show()

    |      chr1|   34|109|
ADAM table
    val adamPath = "NA12878*.adam"
         |CREATE TABLE reads
         |USING org.biodatageeks.sequila.datasources.ADAM.ADAMDataSource
         |OPTIONS(path "${adamPath}")
    spark.sql(s"SELECT contigName,start,end FROM reads LIMIT 1").show()

    |      chr1|   34|109|
BED table
    val  bedPath="tgp_exome_hg18.bed"
        |CREATE TABLE targets
        |USING org.biodatageeks.sequila.datasources.BED.BEDDataSource
        |OPTIONS (path "file:///${bedPath}")""".stripMargin)
    spark.sql("SELECT contig,post_start, pos_end FROM targets LIMIT 1").show

    |contig|pos_start| pos_end|
    |  chr1|     4806|    4926|
    SELECT targets.contigName,targets.start,targets.end,count(*) FROM reads JOIN targets
         ON (targets.contigName=reads.contigName
         CAST(reads.end AS INTEGER)>=CAST(targets.start AS INTEGER)
         CAST(reads.start AS INTEGER)<=CAST(targets.end AS INTEGER)
         GROUP BY targets.contigName,targets.start,targets.end

Results single node

Results Hadoop cluster


SeQuiLa when run in parallel outperforms selected competing tools in terms of speed on single node (1.7-22.1x) and cluster (3.2-4.7x). SeQuiLa strategy involving broadcasting interval forest with all data columns (SeQuiLa_it_all) performs best in most of the cases (no network shuffling required), whereas broadcasting intervals with identifiers only (SeQuiLa_it_int) performs comparable to, or better than GenAp. All algorithms favours columnar (ADAM) to row oriented (BAM) file format due to column pruning and disk I/O operations reduction.